Adult vs Childhood

When we’re young we want to be just like our parents. We want to do everything they do, mimick absolutley everything

When we’re teenagers and adolescents we don’t want to be anything like them. We think that they should be taking our advice because we know better. We’re green you know, and we’re learning lessons that they have no idea about!

When were adults we realize no matter how hard we try we are just like them in so many ways and no matter what we do we can’t stop it!  It’s like the plauge.  We pick up half of their bad habits and their quirks and then add our own and start the vicious circle all over again with our children.

When we’re young we have the imagination to keep us entertained for hours on end, playing in a world all our own.

As a teenager we can’t wait to grown up, we look back on our youth and think how stupid we looked.

As an adult we would give anything to be a kid again and have that imagination, to have all that free time, to live in that endless word.

Kids are extremely impressionable but adults are more so. Children are just themselves, they don’t feel the need to have to fit, they don’t feel the need to change who they are to be accepted until their teen years. Where as adults must act a certain way, behave a certain way to be socially accepted.

Children see the world as it really is

Teens begin to lose it and see it as they want to see it

Adults see it as they have been told to see it.