Through the Snow


It’s snowing today.

Big fluffy snow flakes, I don’t know why but for some reason watching it is kind of relaxing.

Out my Kitchen window where it is mostly protected from the wind it is a serene snowfall, the flakes big and fluffy dancing as they fall to the ground.

Through the front window it is more like a blanket of snow as the wind pushes the snowflakes on their way down the street.

I have always hated snow. Don’t get me wrong, if snow could be warm, even colourful I would be happy. Just imagine, going outside and shoveling purple snow in your bikini, now that would be the life no more use use for that 200 hundred dollar helly hansen I bought. Though I suppose if I had the pants to go with the jacket I could get away with wearing a bikini underneath. But its not the same.

Today watching the snow I feel a sense of peace and am brought back to the memories of my childhood. Looking up at the sky while those fluffy snow flakes are falling all around me, spreading my arms out wide and spinning, and spinning, until I fell over and then just staring up at the sky.

There was a certain sense of freedom that came with that,

I also remember spending days out in blizzards, playing in the snow with nothing more than a sweater on no jackets or ski pants and especially no winter boots, playing until my friends and I were soaked and chilled to the bones.

Boy did that hot chocolate taste good when we went inside, tho the local bakery wasn’t very pleased with us for making their couches wet.

My pup is enjoying the weather of being able to play in the snow but not so much the fact that I don’t want to go out and play with him. So I am paying for it with his destructiveness.

Life sure does change from when you are young to when you get older, doesn’t it?Image

The List – at 2 am

what list you ask, honestly I have no idea.

It’s 2 am I am awake I can’t sleep, this is not unusual as of late.

But what does one do at 2 am in the morning when they can’t sleep?

write a random blog post trying to figure out something to do – check

sip and overly full mug chai tea – check

look and the many unfinished blog posts leaving bones on my dashboard with a draft written in bold letters – Check

…..finish those drafts – most likely, probably…. not

Do updates on one system of my computer – Yea I have the time to kill

Constantly check facebook for a friends birth announcement- It’s his first kid.. I have to

redo my blog- high possibility

customize my computer- yea maybe

heck if this is my todo list on a night I can’t sleep and I am already half done it, why didn’t I ever pick a night shift job? I would be kicking butt!!