


Eyes speak the words
The tongue cannot
The heart knows the words
The ears forgot
A Thousand pictures
one word
A thousand words
One thought 

A thousand thoughts
One idea
Thousands of ideas
One voice
And overall one true meaning
One mouth speaks
Another is quiet,
Ones eyes weep
Another hurts for them
Knowing not what to do but to hold them
One is a steadying shoulder
During which another cannot stand
Until the roles are reversed
We are dependent
Stand here by me
And I by you
As the world stands by the sky,
The moon by the sun,
The universe by all of us.
I am your strength
As you are mine
The human condition depends on others
To survive. 

Copyright 2010

Why Must we depend so much on others to survive?  why is the human race so connected?  And when we are so connected why do we fall apart so easily?

Friendships come and they go even when you still feel that you need them or can’t live with out them. When this happens you learn, to make a living on your own, to see the world differently or maybe you dont and you go on pretending that person will always be there. Whatever the case you do go on. 

No one tells you how to deal with life, there is no instruction manual like our mothers and fathers tell us, all it is is life experience. With out life happening we would not have this so-called instruction book. So take the moments you are handed and hold them gently, or tear them apart and put them back piece by tiny piece what ever it is that you need to do to figure out the situation you are in. 

We all have our ways and our ways let us at least try to figure things out. Even if this takes years. 

No matter the situation stay strong and you will pull through, there is always someone or something waiting around the corner to give you a hand to pull through.
